Man and Van in Hinxton CB10 Essex
Happy Self Storage offers a Local Man and Van Service and is 15.3 miles from Hinxton CB10 in Essex and the surrounding area. Ideal for those jobs when you need a hand for a few hours and saves you the trouble of renting a van for the whole day.
If you planing a one day house move with Happy Stores van and man service dont forget to ask these Top 10 last minute questions from the sellers.
Did you know we also provide self storage units and sell House Move Cardboard Storage Boxes
Book a Man and Van in Hinxton Essex CB10
Call: 01440 899 511 and we'd be happy to talk it through with you or fill in the BOOKING FORM.
Or email:
1 van man + sack barrow = £30.00 per hour + 75p per mile
2 van men + sack barrow = £60.00 per hour + 75p per mile
The van is a long wheelbase Renault Master lowloader that has a cubic capacity of 600sq ft or enough to fill a 6x12x8 storage unit.
Internal dimentions are: Height:85 inch (216cm) , Width: 75 inch (190cm) , Length 163 inch (414cm)
Check out our Vanulator for van sizes
Min call out service = 2hrs
Is this the right service for me? Man and van v's Removals companys explained.